Private Support and Discussion Groups
The FFCNWT has a private Facebook community. Because we must be cautious about confidentiality, the groups are CLOSED to the public. Our groups are monitored by experienced staff from our office who will be able to assist you. The only way you can access the groups is if you send a request by email to our office. We will then give you the rules and guidelines that we have for the groups and once you accept them, we will add you to the group. The next time you log on to Facebook, anything that is posted in the group will be added to your newsfeed. It's that simple!!
Head to the contact page to send us a message with your interest in joining the closed Facebook groups. Or read below for a specific group you may want to join.
Foster Family Coalition

The Foster Family
Coalition of the NWT
provides essential services to families and individuals in the NWT.
We exist to strengthen communities so that kids can be safe, loved, and heard.

About Us
We are an organization that serves and supports foster and adoptive families across the NWT.
The decision to form this organization began in June 2001, after the Yellowknife Foster Family Association hosted the National Foster Care Symposium. Delegates at this symposium unanimously agreed there was a need for a Territorial-wide organization.
The Foster Family Coalition of the NWT (FFCNWT) was formed in June 2002, and on October 2, 2002, became incorporated under the Societies Act. The FFCNWT became a registered charitable organization on September 5, 2003. In the fall of 2013 we expanded our services to support pre- and post- adoptive parents as well.
Our office is located in Yellowknife at 5125 50th St.
Want to learn more? Check out our Strategic Plan.
Our Mission
The Foster Family Coalitions mission is to engage with NWT communities, families, children and youth, in and from care, to help them thrive
Strengthening, Nuturing, Empowering - Kids, Families, Communities
Goals Of Our Society
Organizational Culture - To be an awesome place to work/volunteer.
Community and Partnetships - to foster connections and partnerships across the NWT to support and enrich the lives of our families, youth, and communities.
Programs and Services - Provide sustainable, structured, and adaptable programs and services that recognize the needs of families and communities.
Education and Training - To provide training and education for staff and caregivers that is revelant to supporting youth in the North.
Our Supporters
The Foster Family Coalition of the Northwest Territories operates with support from many amazing partners. We could not do the work we do without these partnerships. We also receive many one-time and monthly donations from individual supporters - thank you to everyone who supports us!