Private Support and Discussion Groups
The FFCNWT has a private Facebook community. Because we must be cautious about confidentiality, the groups are CLOSED to the public. Our groups are monitored by experienced staff from our office who will be able to assist you. The only way you can access the groups is if you send a request by email to our office. We will then give you the rules and guidelines that we have for the groups and once you accept them, we will add you to the group. The next time you log on to Facebook, anything that is posted in the group will be added to your newsfeed. It's that simple!!
Head to the contact page to send us a message with your interest in joining the closed Facebook groups. Or read below for a specific group you may want to join.
Foster Family Coalition

Are you looking for work?
Looking to be apart of something amazing? A job that gives back to the community? Do you love helping others? The the Foster Family Coalition is for you! Here at the FFC we love to work as a family helping youth and families in the system, giving opportunities, guidance, and help.
With all of our programs and projects we are always working to help and expand our opportunities and services.

How to Apply?
If you are interested in any of the job listings below, you can email our human resources below. Or feel free to bring one in to our office! Please insure you bring or email a resume with a cover letter, and state which position your are applying for. Have all current contact information up to date. And a minimum of 3 references.
Thank you !