Private Support and Discussion Groups
The FFCNWT has a private Facebook community. Because we must be cautious about confidentiality, the groups are CLOSED to the public. Our groups are monitored by experienced staff from our office who will be able to assist you. The only way you can access the groups is if you send a request by email to our office. We will then give you the rules and guidelines that we have for the groups and once you accept them, we will add you to the group. The next time you log on to Facebook, anything that is posted in the group will be added to your newsfeed. It's that simple!!
Head to the contact page to send us a message with your interest in joining the closed Facebook groups. Or read below for a specific group you may want to join.
Foster Family Coalition

Northern Stars
The Northern Stars after-school program did a variety of fun activities indoors and outdoors. The Foster Family Coalition of the NWT (FFCNWT) is offering an afterschool program service to all kids in care of age 12 and under. Available in Yellowknife.

The Northern Stars after-school program is a unique program that is designed to meet the complex needs of
children in care and those with neurodiversity. Our programming includes traditional First Nations, Métis,
and Inuit language development, culturally appropriate activities including, arts and crafts workshops, indoor
and outdoor physical activities, storytelling and learning with Elders, field trips, social and emotional
wellness exercises, and life skills development.
Our daily programming, physical space, and staff are trauma and FASD-informed, ensuring that children gain
the most from their experience. We prioritize hiring individuals with experience as former children or youth
in care or those who have worked with such children, allowing our staff to serve as positive role models and
foster a better understanding and connection with the children. This approach supports both former youth in
care and those currently in care.
Children in our program have access to recreational and cultural activities, especially during school holidays.
While we have secured funding for staffing, rent, and administration, additional support from the Helen and
John Park Community Fund would enable us to fulfill our cultural and recreational commitments. Our
program emphasizes a balance of educational, physical, cultural, mental, and emotional skills. With the
additional funding, we can organize recreational and cultural events that have a holistic impact on the youth's
Most of the youth we serve are Indigenous and in care, often lacking access to their own culture; the Northern
Stars initiatives bridge this gap. By partnering with local and Indigenous-led organizations such as the Tree of
Peace Friendship Center, Makerspace, Dechinta Center for Research and Learning, and HomeBase
Yellowknife, we continued to conduct cultural workshops featuring hands-on learning, on-the-land
experiences, and language skills. Additionally, we collaborated with the City of Yellowknife and local
recreational facilities to provide activities like rock climbing, soccer, swimming, skiing, snowmobiling, and
dog sledding. Our goal is basically to keep the children in the program engaged at all times. This funding
helped us to extend our programming to expose the children to more resources they would not have access to
as youth in the foster care system.

The Month's Events