Private Support and Discussion Groups
The FFCNWT has a private Facebook community. Because we must be cautious about confidentiality, the groups are CLOSED to the public. Our groups are monitored by experienced staff from our office who will be able to assist you. The only way you can access the groups is if you send a request by email to our office. We will then give you the rules and guidelines that we have for the groups and once you accept them, we will add you to the group. The next time you log on to Facebook, anything that is posted in the group will be added to your newsfeed. It's that simple!!
Head to the contact page to send us a message with your interest in joining the closed Facebook groups. Or read below for a specific group you may want to join.
Foster Family Coalition

FASD Behavioural Tool by Age & Gender
Passport Resources
DHSSA Information Regarding Medical Authorization
National Entitlements for Foster Parents
8 Ways To Deal With Stress
Action Guide For Working With Youth
Adoption: Information for Birth Parents
Adoption: Information for Families Wanting to Adopt

Attention Deficit Disorders
Sibling issues when one has special needs: Am I my brother’s keeper?
Child Health and Safety In North America
Strategies for FAS Parents and Caregivers
Strategies for Supporting Aboriginal Languages
Youth and Self Injury
Youth Suicide Prevention Newsletter

Lending Resource Library
The FFCNWT has a wide range of resources covering topics such as fostering and adoption to special needs and life skills. Sources also include many books and videos for children. Please drop by to sign out materials. Click here to review our Resource Directory.