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Liability &
Legal Defence Insurance

The FFCNWT has been working for a number of years to secure foster parent insurance and now it's here!

Once the Insurance company receives your information you will be sent a certificate with your policy number. Please keep this as you will need it in order to access support and services from the insurance. 

If you ever misplace or need more information contact the Executive Assistant Ashley Gresl at or call her at the office (867)-766-3326.

-This insurance is free and available to all foster parents in the NWT

-If you are a couple, the policy is for the home, not separate coverage per person

-Your coverage lasts for the time you were fostering, and covers you for any historical allegations as long as the ffc continues to hold the policy. Please notify us if you are no longer a foster caregiver.

-Telephone support and advice is available, call us toll free at 1 866 233 0136

Foster Family Appreciation Month

In October, we celebrate Foster Family Appreciation Month. It is an opportunity to recognize how fostering can positively support and shape our NWT families.

Each region has different ways of celebrating throughout the communities to support all Foster Care Families. The FFC sends out an appreciation package each year. 

Adoption Awareness Month

The month of November is Adoption Awareness Month.


Each year the FFCNWT finds creative ways to promote adoptions throughout the Northwest Territories. This has been done in the past through social media, setting up an information booth, and using other sources of media to get the message out there.  There are children waiting for forever homes every day of the year!

P.R.I.D.E Training

P.R.I.D.E. stands for Parent Resources for Information, Development, and Education. It was developed by the Child Welfare League of America and has been adopted for use in the majority of States in the US and the majority of Canadian Provinces as a pre-service training program for prospective foster and adoptive parents. The training is designed to strengthen families and to provide the knowledge and skills needed in order to provide quality foster care as part of a professional team working to protect and nurture children, and strengthen families.

P.R.I.D.E is free and you can work through it at your own pace online. If you are interested in signing up for this training program, please send us an email! 



On 12/12/19, foster caregivers from throughout Yellowknife came together to discuss the current barriers and problems they see in the child protection system. A 27 page document was created from the conversations heard during this meeting. It must be noted that this document only takes into consideration the voices of foster caregivers in Yellowknife. To fully understand the state of the child protection system in the territory, foster caregivers from every community must be given the opportunity to voice their concerns and experiences, in additional to current and former children in care, biological families of children in care, current and former front line child protection workers, and all other stakeholders in the child protection system in the Northwest Territories.



Foster caregivers recruitment and retention continues to be a challenge in some NWT communities. It is essential that foster children be provided the services they require while continuing to recognize the importance of family, community, and culture in their lives. A major way to ensure continued support is to provide a foster care rate system that recognizes regional ‘cost of living’ differentials across the NWT, and allows for equitable compensation.

Per Diem Rates for Foster Caregivers And Subsidized Adoptions.

Foster Families are provided a daily basic maintenance rate to ensure all foster children are comfortable and safe in their temporary home.

If you are part of a subsidized adoption, the basic maintenance rate is 90% of the basic maintenance rate for foster caregivers. This rate varies by region, due to the varying living cost across the territory.

Click here for the current Per Diem Rates.

Foster Care Allowance.

These are the allowances for each child who is in foster care, that can be provided on top of the per diem rate. 

- Foster caregivers will now be provided with funding for a child or youth's birthday, as well as funds to get birthday presents for friends' parties.

- Foster caregivers will also receive funding for social and recreational activities such as bikes, lock, helmet, skateboard, etc. 

- Children and youth (12-18) in permanent care will also be provided with a cell phone and basic monthly data plan.

Several Open Books

Additional Caregiver Information


Toll Free & One On One Support







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