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Northwest Territories

What is Youth in Care Canada?

It is a national, charitable organization driven by youth and alumni from child welfare authorities across Canada. There are over 70 provincial and community level youth in care networks that exist in Canada!


Sandra Noel is the Director of the Northwest Territories on the board of Youth in Care Canada. She works with the directors from other provinces and territories to improve the lives of all youth in care. 

"My name is Sandra Noel, I am the Director for the Northwest Territories at Youth in Care Canada. I applied for the position because  I want to help make a difference in children’s lives who are in care. I myself, was in foster care for 9 years in the north. I can relate to many of the different reasons why children go into care, and I know the areas of the foster care system. I am in the process of receiving the rest of my foster care records from the Territorial Social Programs of the GNWT.

My role and goals as Director for the NWT at Youth in Care Canada, are to reach out to organizations, maintain current relationships with partners, raise awareness of issues for youth in care, and fundraise so Youth in Care Canada can continue to do good work. I want to learn as much as possible, and utilize the skills to keep helping others, throughout my life. I am grateful and honoured to be a part of Youth in Care Canada.”

-Sandra Noel

Want to get in contact with Sandra?

Email her at

How to get Involved

1) Become a member

You can become a member of Youth in Care Canada whether you have experience with the child welfare system or not. Join as a youth in care, alumni from care, an individual without experience in care, or as an organization.

youth in care

age 14 - 18 = free membership

individual not from care

$60 membership fee

alumni from care

age 19 -29 = $20 membership fee


$300 membership fee

alumni from care

age 30 + = $30 membership fee

2) Join a Committee

Volunteer to join a committee such as Research and Education, Membership, Finance and Fund Development, or Communication. Email for more information and to join a committee.

3) Join the Board of Directors

There is a limit of 2 directors per province / territory, so currently there is one vacancy for NWT. To join, you must:

  • Be 18 years of age or older;

  • Be a current or former youth in care of a Canadian child welfare authority;

  • Be a member of YICC in good standing;

  • Submit a complete Board of Directors Application Form;

  • Submit the contact information for 2 references.

Youth in Care Canada

Youth in Care Canada exists to voice the opinions and concerns of youth in and from care. 


Their vision is that all young people in and from care across Canada know their rights and receive standardized, high quality care that meets their diverse needs.

Some provinces have their own networks of youth in care. See below for links to their websites. Many of these organizations offer programs and services to and by youth in and from care. 

Voices: Manitoba’s Youth in Care Network


New Brunswick Youth in Care Network


The Voice: Youth in Care Newsletter Project


Ontario Youth Community Advocacy Network


Saskatchewan Youth in Care and Custody Network

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